Saturday 15 May 2010

Sketchpad work from my first project.

These are biro drawings of different etchings.
This is a pencil drawing of one of my box pictures, I shaded it using a 2B pencil.
On the left are some ict manipulations of my shells and shields piece. On the right is an ink drawing of a shell.
This is a drawing of a matchbox, I used oil pastel, and I placed various objects in the matchbox.
This is a copy of a De Chirico.
This is my copy of an Escher but I have changed a few things, I have added a balloon, and changed the boy's clothes and the pictures on the table.
These are some pictures by Escher.
This is an oversized drawing of a pritt stick, pencil, compass, rubber, and pen lid, I used a 2B pencil to shade it.
This is a colourful version of my shield and shells piece. I used block paint and watercolour pencils, and I drew it out with a stick of graphite.
I took some pictures of random object in a box, and I manipulated them on the computer.

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