Saturday 21 May 2011

Exam Preparation

Here are some ICT manipulations of my own photographs, using various effects. This is a Hockney joiner style collage I did, using my own photos. I decided to do some etchings as I wanted to experiment with a range of different materials. This is a pencil drawing of one of my own photos.
This is a copy of a photo I took, I used fine line pens on a sheet of marbling.
I stuck part of a photograph onto some fabric which I did some marbling on. I produced some collages from my own photos influenced by David Hockney. I painted onto a photograph I took, I used acrylic paint. These are some ICT manipulations I did using various effects.
This is a batik on paper. These are some art history copies. This is a copy of a photo using a biro onto a sheet of marbling. This is a copy of one of my photos using a fine line pen, onto some fabric which I did some marbling on. This is a biro and ink copy of a photo I took. This is a copy of a photo I took using fine line pens, onto paper which I did some marbling on.

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