Monday, 23 May 2011

Art history

Gustav Klimt
Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian
Lewis Bowman
Su-Li Hung
Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian
Gustav Klimt
This is all the art history I used for my exam.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Life Drawing

These are a few pictures of life drawings I have done.

Exam Piece

This is my exam piece for my final project, using the medium of batik.

Exam Preparation

Here are some ICT manipulations of my own photographs, using various effects. This is a Hockney joiner style collage I did, using my own photos. I decided to do some etchings as I wanted to experiment with a range of different materials. This is a pencil drawing of one of my own photos.
This is a copy of a photo I took, I used fine line pens on a sheet of marbling.
I stuck part of a photograph onto some fabric which I did some marbling on. I produced some collages from my own photos influenced by David Hockney. I painted onto a photograph I took, I used acrylic paint. These are some ICT manipulations I did using various effects.
This is a batik on paper. These are some art history copies. This is a copy of a photo using a biro onto a sheet of marbling. This is a copy of one of my photos using a fine line pen, onto some fabric which I did some marbling on. This is a biro and ink copy of a photo I took. This is a copy of a photo I took using fine line pens, onto paper which I did some marbling on.

Exam Photos

These are some of the photos I took for my exam piece.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Sketchpad work

This is a biro drawing of one of my photos.
This is an oil pastel copy of a photo I took for my pop art project. This is a copy of a photo I took using felt tips. This is a lino print of one of my photos.

This is another lino print I did.

Final Outcome

This is my final outcome from my pop art project. This project started out as a Pop Art project, influence by Roy Lichtenstein. My initial idea was to do a copy of a photograph I took, in the style of Lichtenstein using acrylic. I then decided to do some ICT manipulations of my photographs in a Pop Art style. Next I did some lino prints of a photograph I had posterised. Then I did a copy of a photo using felt tips, influenced by Lichtenstein. Afterwards I did an oil pastel copy of a photo I took. Then I did a biro drawing copy of a photo, as I wanted to experiment with other mediums. However, I also wanted to experiment with oil painting so I did an oil painting using two colours-white and blue, as I wanted to keep it simple. I used white and blue because they are cold colours which I thought would suit my picture. I produced an oil painting using blue and white on paper to see if the colour theme would work and then recreated a painting in the same style but on a bigger canvas.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Oil painting

This is my first attempt at oil painting, as part of my pop art project.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Sketchpad work

This is a copy of one of my photos which I posterised. I used ink.
Here are some ict manipulations of my photos. This is a pop art version of one of my photos, using acrylic.
This is my own copy of a Lichtenstein using acrylic paint with some pictures by Lichtenstein.