Monday 22 November 2010

Second Main Piece

This is a close up of the sewing I did.

My starting point was the title Bodies. My initial idea was to take pictures of Barbie dolls, and do a project based around stereotypes and unachievable aspirations. Next I posterised a few of my photographs which I thought worked really well.

So I decided to do a copy of one of my photographs on some cardboard. I subsequently decided to do a batik of one of my posterised photos because I thought the colours would really stand out. I also took photographs of a friend dressed up like Barbie but I decided to use these as preparation work. I did a copy of a human head with the body of a Barbie doll. I also did some collages of different body parts using various magazine pictures. I decided to sew into my main batik to give it more definition. When I did my first main piece I used a double layer of fabric hoping the ink and wax would go through. On my second batik I decided to add a nose, eyes, and a mouth using pictures from a magazine. I glued these down and then sewed around them. Then I cut out lots of skin from magazines and glued them down and then sewed around them. The main artist I used was Judy Ragagli who paints Barbie dolls in a hyper realistic style.

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